
GP's Are On Your Side
23rd Jul

Saving General Practice

Saving General Practice
23rd Jul

GP's Are On Your Side

We listened
15th Jul

You Said We Did

Blood Test Service
2nd Jul

Under Extreme Pressure - Unavoidable Clinical Staff Absences

15th Feb

Clinical Practice Research Datalink

This practice contributes to the Clinical Practice Research Datalink
Information in patient records is important for medical
research to develop new treatments and test the safety of
medicines. This practice supports medical research by
sending some of the information from patient records to the
Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD).
CPRD is a Government organisation that provides
anonymised patient data for research to improve patient and
public health. Identifiable data flows to NHS Digital but you
cannot be identified from the information sent to CPRD.
If you do not want anonymised information from your patient
record to be used in research you can opt out by speaking to
your doctor.
For more information about how your data is used visit

31st Oct 2023

Important information for patients currently on hospital waiting lists

The NHS has been working hard to address the backlogs built up during the COVID pandemic. As part of these plans, the NHS will be proactively contacting patients who have been waiting a long time for NHS funded treatment to remind them of their right to request to move to an alternative hospital where they may be seen quicker. 

From Tuesday 31st October new digital portal called the Patient Initiated Digital Mutual Aid System (PIDMAS) will be introduced. Patients who have been waiting 40 weeks or more can use this portal to request an alternative choice of hospital.   

Any patient who is eligible will receive either a SMS text message or a letter from their current hospital explaining how to request to choose a different hospital.

Please do not contact the practice regarding this process as we have no information regarding individual patients. 

The hospital will contact you if you are eligible. Please do not contact them either.   

Further information about alternative choice is available on hospital websites.